Monday, April 20, 2009

Please Don't Put Me to Sleep

I dislike having someone knock me out for a "procedure." Yeah. I love how the docs call it a procedure. I am so sure I will talk in my sleep and say something incredibly stupid or suggestive that will keep the surgeon from holding the scalpel steady. "Hey, doc, you up for a threesome with the anesthesiologist?" Man, I know it would be worse than drunk talking. "I love you, man. I mean I really love you."

I only went once to camp and the only thing I remember is the girl sleeping in the bunk above me telling me how we had had a whole conversation and boy wasn't that funny because I did not remember a thing about it. I feel like if someone were to ask me a question in that condition I might say the truth. The problem is, I am not always sure what that would be.

I only hope I'm not like poor Bizkit in this video. Propelling my legs frantically in my sleep and then running into a wall.


Jeanne said...

Ohhh poor Bizkit!

Timber moves his legs, but not like that. He also does these little "woof woof" noises that are really cute. Glad he doesn't run into the walls.

My older sisters used to tell me that when I slept in their beds I'd turn over and kiss them and hug them, like a good night hug, but I was totally asleep. It made me worry in my teen years that I'd do it to a friend while spending the night. No one ever said anything, though, so I must have outgrown it!

Anonymous said...

the doc might ask you for the 3-some!!
you might say yes!

namaste said...

i saw this video on another blog. it cracked me up!

i'm with you. i don't like doctors having any power or say over my body. when i am eventually a corpse, i hope my leg jumps and scares the crap out of somebody.

thanks for stopping by and linking my blog!


Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

Jeanne-I would totally feel the same way about having friends over,that I would talk in my sleep~!I love watching dogs dream and move in their sleep.

Sage-My fear exactly, but I would like to remember that though~!

Namaste-Your blogs are wonderful~! I found you on Sage's blog and enjoy the heck out of both of you. You both remind me not lose my voice and be true to what I believe...and have a heck of a good time doing it, too~! And, as long as you don't become a zombie, scaring the crap out of someone when you are a corpse is very Steven King like!