Maddie is a baker
13 hours ago
Don't just lurk! Make a comment. Even if I don't know you. Especially if I don't know you. Have a conversation with a fellow commenter. That is what makes a blog so fun to read. What do other people think about what you said. What do they say to each other. Link to someone's blog because you love their comments made here.
Happy Hour...Somewhere--Me
Teddy Bear--Daughter, age 20.
Hot Tamale--Daughter, age 25.
Little Z--Grandson, 1.
Killdozer--Teddy Bear's friend, age 19.
BB--Baby Brother.
JuJuBeez--BB's wife, my sister-in-law-PUBLISHED author
Book Babes--Casey, Nancy, Thia Karen, Debbie.
Thia Karen--The Greek.
The Doc--My brother.
I don't allow Anonymous comments, but occasionally I get one that looks like it's in Chinese or something. Weird.
Are you trying to say I WON'T get half of that $30 million?
I like Spam!
But, maybe not the kind you're getting ;-)
I have been getting tons! Driving me nuts. But the good thing is they are on old posts. So I do comment modification on posts over 14 days. Seems to help. Damn dont these people have things to do? am I really going to click your link and look at shoes? Sorry spam has been at your place too. Always hated spam! Hugs K
You go girl ;)!!!!
I was all prepared to tell you not to worry, a few hundred thousand Hawiians can't all be wrong....
But this, this is much much different......are the ass pictures of a recent nature or are they something from a misspent youth?
Thanks for the "heads up"... in my youth I was quite the "mooner"... I will await the e-mail blackmailer...
Surfer dude was leavin all his sh*t all over my house too. Bring on the Word V! Makes for a tidy place ;)
Slutty naked ass, eh? How did he KNOW about me??
So I gave you an award...because you crack my shit up. Head on over to my hopefully-not-as-spammed blog and check it out for yourself :)
And don't let the spammers get you down!
Those links were probably created by the people who fix computers when they crash because someone is stupid enough to click on the link!! Although, I have been tempted with the offers to have my "member" dragging on the ground.
That's why I always moderate my comments - I have a relentless Anonyomous who writes gibberish with links - never anything to do with my posts.
Is there something your not telling us that surfer dude knows?
Ah...the joys of blogging.
have a good one!
I don't get nearly as much of that, considering I allow anon comments and don't have captcha enabled. I'm glad, just surprised.
That just sucks that people do that. Whatever dude, get a life!
My dad used to eat spam. Both my parents thought it was great. I couldn't say yuck fast enough.
Beats the Chinese or Korean spam that I always get. Bit of diversity always welcome.
I changed my settings to eliminate anonymous comments just for that reason! It was getting old. Thanks for visiting my blog! It looks great here.
Strange what people will do in their spare time. I personally chose to obsess about my weight. Oh well, to each his own
Comments are just blog love to me because I get so few of them anyway, so spam and Chinese massage parlor advertisements are always welcome. But so far no one has asked to see my slutty naked ass. But I keep hoping!
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to pop in and wish ya'll a happy Easter. :o)
God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Telling it like it is! Love it. I get spam galore. I just delete because my family hates word ver. LOL.
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