Creating Fun Stuff
22 hours ago
Don't just lurk! Make a comment. Even if I don't know you. Especially if I don't know you. Have a conversation with a fellow commenter. That is what makes a blog so fun to read. What do other people think about what you said. What do they say to each other. Link to someone's blog because you love their comments made here.
Happy Hour...Somewhere--Me
Teddy Bear--Daughter, age 20.
Hot Tamale--Daughter, age 25.
Little Z--Grandson, 1.
Killdozer--Teddy Bear's friend, age 19.
BB--Baby Brother.
JuJuBeez--BB's wife, my sister-in-law-PUBLISHED author
Book Babes--Casey, Nancy, Thia Karen, Debbie.
Thia Karen--The Greek.
The Doc--My brother.
LMAO! This was incredible! Please, keep sharing your addiction....wait, that sounded bad. But not as bad as gross bleeding!
Wow well that is a nice relief from gross bleeding. People are soooo clever! I for one am glad she sends you links. You need the break. Thanks for sharing K
Thanks. I'll be good, won't go kill a few hours on YouTube now.
Oh,Chantel, I have so many videos in my Videos for Blogging playlist you would think I was a Hoarder~! The gross bleeding is pretty yucky but I also like when they say, "Physical examination is grossly normal." HAHAHA. I would love to be known as grossly normal half the time. I did it again...that still sounds wrong.
Karen...Oh yes, I need a break, a long holiday, but all I get is quick trips to the loo. Yes, I have been reading a lot of blogs from England. Now, I feel peckish. Off to the kitchen!
Elliott...I want everyone to be naughty with me, dang it.
I need to get some better t-shirts. Mine are just white, red or green. Oh! And one blue one.
Cool video! I love YouTube too, which is why I try to limit my visits there. Somehow entire mornings end up going "poof" when I do!
Damn, I could watch that for days! Totally, totally a gross bleeding kind of way.
I could just sit and stare amused at such a sight but the critters would starve to death out there in the cold so I guess I better stop. Heeehehe! thanks for the great laugh.
Ya'll have a terrific day!!!
LOL! You are too funny. Then I call you when you finally get back to work and we blab for a half an hour about gas or something. No! We were talking about songs, that's right. Well, gas was a good guess, though, right?
Really wonderful piece of information and I appreciate it that you share something so useful with the readers of this blog.
Laughed my head off. Great 'addiction' you have. At least it doesn't depend on dealers. :-)
Greetings from London.
Loved the video,still laughing.I love that you always come up with something amusing,thanks.
Oh that was an awesome video! Hilarious! I know what you mean about You Tube. So easy to lose a couple hours there just perusing stuff. Thanks for sharing!
Great video. Must spend more time on YouTube. I believe its all the rage amongst the youth.
Those guys are cute and funny,. I wish I had some friends like that. And a few of their t shirts.
Good video, I can see why they're addictive.
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