Sunday, January 10, 2010

Eff. Ewe. Sea. Kay

I was going to use this video as a grammar lesson...transitive vs. intransitive. You know, things I don't really get at all, but....

I got a nastygram comment and I just thought this would be appropriate. So if you see Happy Hour...Somewhere in a human spiral, you know that Chris did it. Either that or the PETA police will be at my door knocking it down and putting me out of my misery. 

I do look good in orange though.

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@eloh said...

WTF does "someone you spiral your ass" mean?

I'm straining and coming up blank. It must have lost it's original meaning when it got translated from "dumbass".

Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

Yeah, I think dumbass dropped a word...probably along with being dropped on his/her head and missing a sense of humor. That damn dog has to be the most spoiled dog around. Oh, oh, and get can't into Chris' blog at all. I wonder why?

MaryRC said...

OH man that is one clever effing professor.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO. And that's all I have to say about that.

adrienzgirl said...


Chantel said...

Ditto Tsquared.

Anonymous said...

That was fucking hilarious!

Madame DeFarge said...

A credit to the intellectual profession. Very funny indeed.

matron said...

The F word has become part of everyday language these days and I even hear children using it,not knowing its literal translation and I do not approve,however as an adult I thought this video clip was hilarious.

Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

Mary RC...I had showed my nephews a video about World of Warcraft and they started showing me some videos they thought were funny~! Naughty boys. But I loved how funny this was.

Tsquared and Chantel...I agree!

L...I knew you would love this~!

Madame DeFarge...I thought it was clever, too...and funny.

matron...I have to agree and it is distressing to hear young kids using this word, but you are right, as an adult, it was hilarious. I could not even bring myself to spell out the word in my title even though I have been known to use the word profusely. It seemed too my mom would ground me or somethig.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

The word is not even allowed in this house. I got tickled at my daughter one time who came home announcing that her brother had used the F word on the bus. After using my investigative skills I discovered he said, "who farted?" We don't use that word either! Heeeheehe!!!

Have a terrific day!!!

Phoenix said...

I think the best usage of the f word has to be in the movie Boondock Saints - a character says it and uses it in every way possible for almost a solid minute.


Sara said...


What a versatile, amazing word!

Tracie said...

That was full of The Awesome.