Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Love Shack

So Garrison Keillor, huh?

The Book Babes read The Shack by William Paul Young this month...and we all read the book and we all either did not like it or did not get it. Unanimous. I tend to be the one that doesn't get it and will not like a book but not this time. Such a strange book.

To me it was very anti-religious and political as much he professed to despise politics and economics. It was so preachy...blah, blah, blah. And what was up talking about the trinity but no mention of Catholicism? Strange strange book. I know he was trying to wax philosophical talking about he, or she, or Papa, whatever, who put fractals everywhere in nature. I am pretty sure he was trying for the "To see the world in a grain of sand" type idea but he flubbed it.

And there must a writer's bag o' tricks that says a book like this has to have the protagonist get in car accident at the end of the book. My Sister's Keeper did that and it drove me bananas.

It was trying to confront some important questions. The nature of God, why does he seem to allow evil, how do you have a relationship with God. All really fascinating questions. Like I said, I did not get the book. Some people are ga ga over this book saying that it changed their life. I kept hearing the John Lennon song "Imagine" playing in the background as I read this book. No countries, no money, no politics, everyone sitting around just loving each other, but darn that Adam and Eve screwing it up for everyone and giving us independence and now we have free will and have to suffer. Or something like that anyway.

Perhaps I totally missed the point of the book and the underlying philosophy running through it. I will probably read it again just to see. And if I ticked you off, sorry. You can tell me off in the comments.


Jeanne said...

Hi Kat -
I read the book and was a little ambivilant about it. I got what he was trying to portray through the trinity, and how healing of his past hurts allowed him to go forward into his future. I didn't love the book like most I've talked too, but I didn't find it offensive either.

I'm not sure what the tie in is you're asking about in terms of the trinity and catholocism?

Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

It was not offensive to me either. I just didn't get it. I liked parts of it. Trying to learn to forgive people, I liked that part because it is hard to forgive and I am not sure I could have forgiven the killer in the book. I figure that if God does judge, he can decide what happens to a killer like that when he dies, but I personally would want him to rot in hell for a long time. Assuming there is a hell, of course.

When we were talking about the book, I was remarking that he mentions almost every religion imaginable in the book but never mentions catholicism. No, that did not offend me but I thought it was funny that the book centers around the trinity and no mention is made of that particular religion. I just kept picturing doing the sign of the cross--Father, Son, Holy Ghost or whatever it is they call it now.

Not being religious, it seemed to be me that he did not have great faith in the written word, that each person had to have a loving relationship with God however that happened.

Like I said, it was an interesting book and as always I probably missed the point of it altogether.