Creating Fun Stuff
22 hours ago
Don't just lurk! Make a comment. Even if I don't know you. Especially if I don't know you. Have a conversation with a fellow commenter. That is what makes a blog so fun to read. What do other people think about what you said. What do they say to each other. Link to someone's blog because you love their comments made here.
Happy Hour...Somewhere--Me
Teddy Bear--Daughter, age 20.
Hot Tamale--Daughter, age 25.
Little Z--Grandson, 1.
Killdozer--Teddy Bear's friend, age 19.
BB--Baby Brother.
JuJuBeez--BB's wife, my sister-in-law-PUBLISHED author
Book Babes--Casey, Nancy, Thia Karen, Debbie.
Thia Karen--The Greek.
The Doc--My brother.
I love to cook with wine - sometimes I even put it in the food. That's some bad juju she laid down on you... I'd be on pins and needles if it was me! (pun intended)
You are seriously a woman after my own heart. You like Zombie Movies and football and have a wicked sense of humor. I heart you!
@good, I burst out laughing at your comment. How about Jack Daniels? There must be recipes that require healthy imbibing of Jack. Well, the biggest satisfaction is the girls in the league seem to be winning. Yeah!
@lola lakely...Thanks! I always love reading your wickedly funny posts...I never quite know where they are going to go...and I love that. Your Facebook post! Yes!!
I'm like to cook German food because they add alcohol to everything.
Wine is excellent for cooking and drinking. You can do it at the same time.
Lear to drink wine without cooking and you still may enjoy it, ha ha.
Wine is good when added to, sex, parenting, parent-teacher conferences, court appearances. Okay, I took my pins out of my Phillip Rivers doll. But, of course, that's because I don't think we play each other again for the rest of the season.
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